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Why does vape or electronic cigarette spit?

Beginners and experienced vapers sometimes face the problem of liquid spitting in a vape. The article will help to understand the possible causes and solve the problem.

Why does a vape spit liquid

The principle of operation of an electronic cigarette is the evaporation of liquid. In the normal state, the liquid impregnates the cotton wool, and the heating element, the grid or spiral, heating the cotton wool, evaporates the liquid.

If the cotton wool is very heavily oversaturated with liquid, then instead of evaporating, it can boil and drops in this case fly into the mouth. It's annoying, but solvable.

Causes of e-cigarette spitting

1. Wrong power

2.Short puffs

3. Wrong fluid

4.Infrequent use

5.Too intensive impregnation before use

6.Evaporator needs to be replaced

Wrong power

If you have a vape that allows you to adjust the power supplied, then you should monitor the power used. If you set the power too low, hoping for a small amount of vapor, you can also get liquid spitting, because the evaporator will not heat up properly, and the liquid will also flow abundantly.

The operating power range is indicated on the evaporator itself or in the device data sheet. If the power is set in the desired range, it is worth slightly increasing the power without exceeding the range.

Short puffs

Short puffs very often lead to fluid spitting and leaks. If all the parameters are correct (liquid, power, evaporator in order), then first of all you should pay attention to the length and intensity of the puff.

The puff should be even and last at least 2-3 seconds, then the heater in the evaporator will have time to heat up to the required temperature and evaporate all the liquid inside.

Wrong liquid

The viscosity of e-liquid affects how it enters the vaporizer. Viscosity is affected by the VG index, the higher the VG, the worse the liquid enters the evaporator and the less likely it is to “spit”. But you should be careful and also pay attention to the type of your model.

Rare use

If you use your vape, e-cigarette or pod system infrequently, just a couple of times a day, this can lead to spitting on the first puffs. This situation can be corrected by changing the fluid if you use the device every day, or if you use it very infrequently, then draining the fluid between uses.

Too intensive impregnation before use

If you are impregnating a vaporizer for the first time, it is very easy to over-prime the vaporizer. Too many drops can cause the liquid to shoot out on the first puff.

In this case, it is enough to do a dozen puffs so that the problem goes away, and the excess liquid evaporates.

The evaporator needs to be replaced

Evaporators are designed as consumables, over time they wear out and begin to evaporate the liquid worse. This reduces the amount of steam and may affect the taste. If you use the vaporizer for a very long time, while the use is quite intensive, then it is worth replacing the vaporizer.

What to do to improve the situation right now.

1. Blow out the evaporator or shake out the drops

It is necessary to pull the evaporator out of its seat. And blow out excess liquid or shake them out. Thus, we can get rid of excess liquid inside the evaporator.

2. Increase power

Increasing the power will help get rid of the overfeeding of the evaporator. It is not necessary to increase the power by more than 10% of the working power.

3.Increase puff time

Longer puffs will help evaporate excess liquid. From now on, it is also worth increasing the tightening time, this can prevent similar problems in the future.

4. Change the evaporator

Replacing the evaporator can help resolve the issue instantly. But this should be done only if the previous paragraphs did not change the situation in any way.

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